Annual Awards Summary

What are the Annual Awards?

Each year we run our Annual Awards schemes based on distances run and WAVA based performances. What we hope we have achieved is to offer a set of awards which are accessible to a wide range of runners but still provide a challenge - giving you all something to focus on in your running. We feel this sends a positive message to our members and hopefully encourage you to go out and test yourself against your fellow athletes and your previous achievements. 

Please take the time to read carefully what is needed for each one (it may have changed!) and make sure you put some dates in your diary asap.

There are three different award schemes and you will be able to claim one award from each if you wish.

Details on how and when to claim will be included in the detailed description of each one, and here on the Annual Awards Claim Form. 

1. The Arrows Rocket Award For the speedy ones! 1 mile, 5k, 5 miles. 75% WAVA - Virtual events now accepted!

2. Club Performance Awards (WAVA based Standards Performance Awards from 'Club' (55%) to 'Platinum' (80%)) Based on increasing WAVA scores , distances and number of events.

3. Distance Challenges Distance collectors Awards. Choose one from the The Fun 500 or one of the longer 'Annual Totals' awards, a traditional 'Full House', or the demanding  'Ultra Level' .

If you are not sure that what you are doing or planning to do will qualify, please get in touch sooner rather than later.

We hate saying 'no' to people late in December!

Not sure what a WAVA score is or how to calculate it? See this calculator.