Club League 2025

Arrows Club League 2025 

Welcome to the Arrows Club League. 

Following the sucess of the Club League re-introduced in 2023 and 2024 we'll be running it again in a similar manner for 2025. It is provided to give members a fun and interesting way of participating together and competing with each other in a friendly way. 

Members are encouraged to participate in League events for fun and to achieve their own running goals, but also to encourage and support their fellow Arrows. As you can see by previous results it isn't always the fastest people that win! Some of the events are also Herts Champs races so there's a chance of extra bling for you and the club!

Its a simple format again this year with Arrows able to earn club league points for racing our external league events (XC and MWRRL) plus nominated races at distances from 5k to Half Marathon. We've picked (mainly) the closest suitable events to try to encourage a large number of Arrows to attend our nominated races. The main difference this year will be that there are extra races at some distances which we've introduced :

  a) as a contingency in case some events don't happen,
  b) in order to make sure that competion happens throughout the entire year
  c) because people asked for certain races to be included this year

To be clear though all races on the list below will score points - even if there are multiple events at a particular distance. It won't typically be 'the best of' (except for the 10m January events being normally the Fred Hughes and ATW Bedford race where we see that the Fred Hughes race is fully booked, even before the advertising of it in the league.

There is only one league, however, if we are able to, we may select winners of Road / Trail races with only one league title available to be won by any individual.

 The races:

Read more: Club League 2025

Cross Country

XC - updated Jan 2025


Harpenden Arrows has entered the Sunday League since 2011.  It is free to members, involves 5 races between October and February every year with 4 of the 5 counting towards team and individual awards. 

There are always some stalwart supporters (thank you), some one-timers (thank you) and those that come to makeup the team numbers (thank you to those too!).  It can be parkland, grassland, woodland, flatland and “hillyland”.  There may be mud and normally some cake afterwards.

If XC isn’t your thing or you are unsure bear in mind that it is fun, included with your membership, you’ll be representing the club and helping the team.Ideally, to be in contention for prizes, we need full teams of 8 men & 5 women at each race. Every finisher counts – whatever your speed or position.

Have a look at the current and archived results at

Speirsy handed over the reins for organising the XC after 10 years to Steve and Issy Green, but helping hands to cajole, take down results and bring cake are always welcomed!  Hopefully there will always be well-intentioned enthusing and twisting arms in equal measure.

Any questions or suggestion please speak to a committee member or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Additionally, you may also see information for “Championship” events - these are one-off races and you may get emails and Facebook notifications about them.

Please see all the rules and a guide to how it operates below. Lots of action pictures here.


Read more: Cross Country

MidWeek Road Race League


The MidWeek Road Race League (MWRRL) finished last week with the traditional finale, the Mob Match. Twenty-one Arrows ran, fed on the buffet and collected prizes for their efforts over the Summer's 4 races.

It all started at Stevenage back in May with the Hitchin-organised race. 26 of us made for two full, strong teams. As a result, we led the Vets combined team competition. Brilliant, but could we hang on to it?

Despite a huge turnout at our Harpenden race Dacorum AC upped their game and pushed us into 2nd. The good news was our boys were leading the Men's Vet race.

Read more: MidWeek Road Race League

5k Handicap 2024

Monthly 5k Handicap

On the third Tuesday of the month (unless notified otherwise) we run a 5k handicap race. Its a lot of fun and because we start the slower runners off first the quick people have to work extra hard if they want to win. We meet at the club as normal but try to be a few minutes early so that we can work out your start time etc.

After the race we either have tea and cake or occasionally head down to the Engineer pub for a bite to eat and a well-earned drink. (You can come for/with cake/pub if you didn't run too.)

You can shower at St Georges if you wish.

We run on the Winter circuit from Sep onwards. Please wear high viz clothing. If you can't run please come along and help with the marshalling.

Results from 2023 see 5k Handicap 2023

Results from 2022 see 5k Handicap

Pre-pandemic results see 5k Handicap

Read more: 5k Handicap 2024


Arrows at Parkrun

parkrun is a timed 5k run that takes place at 9 O'clock every Saturday morning across a large number of venues in the UK, and some overseas. It’s for all levels of runners from brand new beginners to those wanting to improve their sprints. It’s absolutely free, just turn up and run ….. but if you register online at you can get a bar code that gets scanned each time you run and you build up a table of your own personal results (your one personal bar code works at all parkruns, even those overseas).

One thing that all parkruns have in common is that they are fun and all involved are really friendly and welcoming to all runners.


Read more: Parkrun

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