Cross Country

XC - updated Jan 2025


Harpenden Arrows has entered the Sunday League since 2011.  It is free to members, involves 5 races between October and February every year with 4 of the 5 counting towards team and individual awards. 

There are always some stalwart supporters (thank you), some one-timers (thank you) and those that come to makeup the team numbers (thank you to those too!).  It can be parkland, grassland, woodland, flatland and “hillyland”.  There may be mud and normally some cake afterwards.

If XC isn’t your thing or you are unsure bear in mind that it is fun, included with your membership, you’ll be representing the club and helping the team.Ideally, to be in contention for prizes, we need full teams of 8 men & 5 women at each race. Every finisher counts – whatever your speed or position.

Have a look at the current and archived results at

Speirsy handed over the reins for organising the XC after 10 years to Steve and Issy Green, but helping hands to cajole, take down results and bring cake are always welcomed!  Hopefully there will always be well-intentioned enthusing and twisting arms in equal measure.

Any questions or suggestion please speak to a committee member or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Additionally, you may also see information for “Championship” events - these are one-off races and you may get emails and Facebook notifications about them.

Please see all the rules and a guide to how it operates below. Lots of action pictures here.


There are currently 18-20 clubs in the League. Most are Hertfordshire based, with a few coming from North London. There is just one race per match with the men and women running together. There are up to 400 runners on occasion and there’s a real mix in both abilities and ages.  It is very social and great fun. Many familiar faces are now seen year in, year out.

Typically, all the races start at 10.30am – you will receive notice if there is a change as a result of other events like ParkRuns that are in conflict. Race distances vary between 5 and 6 miles. The courses are not typically flat!

  • There is no entry - it is FREE for members (the registration fee is paid by Arrows)
  • Turn-up and run! (Webmaster: But you must wear an official Red and White Arrows vest / shirt. Post on Facebook if you need one or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for help)
  • Anyone who runs will get a token given to them at the end of the race.  Someone will then immediately fill out a Declaration/Results Form giving the names, age groups and finishing positions of the runners from their club
  • The discs and declaration forms are returned to the race administrator then they use this information to compile the results.
  • Information can be found here, the Arrows news briefings and Facebook


 Apart from the point of view that it IS A LOT OF FUN.....

  • They are small intimate and friendly (but competitive) events
  • Not too long races, not too far away
  • Everyone could have the chance to contribute (remember that you don’t score if you don’t have a full team)
  • Cross country is proven to approve your ability on smoother road surfaces
  • It’s free
  • It’s fun (did we mention that?)
  • There is typically cake!

There are also a few in the club who have a passion for trails, scenery and the occasional bit of mud. Harpenden has some great countryside to explore and planned cross-country running should, with luck, give you the confidence to go out discovering if you aren’t doing it already.


The full rules for Sunday Cross Country League from RunHerts  but some in summary:

CLUB KIT is expected to be worn.  Spare vests are often available for anyone trying out for the 1st time – but hopefully full kit can be obtained quickly from the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

You cannot wear headphones!

There are individual and TEAM prizes as follows:


The first eight men will count as the “A” team with the following five counting as a “B” team. The first four Masters will count as the Masters team.


The first five women will count as the “A” team with the following three counting as a “B” team. The first three Masters will count as the Masters team.

Masters Individual age groups: -

  • Women 35 / 45 / 55 / 65
  • Men 40 / 50 / 60 / 70
  • In the individual competition, the best four results will count.
  • Trophies will be awarded to the first three male and female open teams and the corresponding Masters teams. Masters will score for their open teams as well in their Masters team.
  • Individual trophies are awarded as follows:
  • Senior Men: M40, and M50 - first five places. M60 – first three; M70 - winner.
  • Senior Women: W35, and W45 - first five places. W55 – first three; W65 – winner.

Runners can only win individual trophies in their own age group. (In other words, Masters Competitors will only be able to win age-group trophies and not additional trophies as Senior Women or Senior Men. The thinking is that this will give more people an opportunity to win a trophy.) 


Fixtures can be found at

Arrows newsletters, WhatsApp and Facebook pages will keep you informed about any announcements for members.  There is lift sharing organised nearer the time – typically meeting at St Georges at around 9:00 – 9:30 am on the morning of the race that normally start at 10:30am.

Other potential Cross-Country races include:

1) SEAA Southern Masters XC Champs:
2) Herts XC County Champs:
3) Inter-County XC Championships:
4) SEAA Southern XC Champs:
5) ECCA National XC Champs
6) Herts County Vets XC Champs

More details nearer the time…..






Year   A B Vets A B Vets
2024/25 8th 7th n/a 6th 9th n/a 5th
2023/24 8th 4th n/a 6th 8th n/a 7th
2022/23 6th 6th 4th 6th 5th 5th 2nd
2021/22 11th 6th n/a 2nd 12th n/a 9th
2020/21 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019/20 6th 4th 6th 4th 9th 7th 7th
2018/19 6th 4th 2nd 2nd 7th 7th 4th
2017/18 3rd 2nd 5th 1st 7th 4th 7th
2016/17 5th 10th 6th 5th 5th 2nd 3rd
2015/16 4th 1st 1st 2nd 4th 4th 2nd
2014/15 3rd 1st 1st 1st 3rd 3rd 3rd
2013/14 3rd 4th 4th 2nd 3rd 2nd 3rd
2012/13 3rd 2nd 2nd 2nd 4th 1st 3rd
2011/12 4th 4th n/a 7th 3rd 3rd 1st

Summary 2023/24

Whilst the total number of Arrows achieved 36, there were not enough at the right time to get a B team for either the men or women.  Then the last race at Royston was cancelled due to the weather making the damage likely to the area of natural beauty too much to tolerate.  Whilst Royston isn’t always a crowd puller due to the hills, there was still hope that the best of 4 would pull in a few more people.  Unfortunately, it meant that there were then only 2 podium achievements in a 3rd in the FV65 for Janice Nesbit and Brian Yates also in 3rd in the V70.  Thanks to Izzy and Steve Green for organising us and other stepping in when they were unable to attend.

Summary 2022/23
The Vet women for Arrows were able to achieve a 2nd place in the team trophy and the 35 Arrows turned up on enough of a consistent basis to get both A and B teams together.  It was a shame that the race at Stevenage was cancelled as may have meant that even better results could have been achieved for the teams, whilst there were personal achievements for Issy Green as a V35 in 5th. Tracy Carr as a V55 in 3rd and Doug Walmsley as a V50 in 2nd. Again, thanks to Steve and Issy Green in getting enough of the troops to the line to get the A & B teams.

Summary 2021/22
It’s got to be said that there were fewer runners than ever across the board and certainly from Arrows.  The ladies did incredibly well and managed to fill their A team and Vet teams all of the time, whilst the lads unfortunately did not and neither managed to get a B team together. Neither ladies nor men managed to scrape together a B team.  Individually, the ladies got a W35 winner in Hannah Turner with Isabel Green pushing for 7th in W35 and then Claire Price grabbing a 6th in the W45 divisions.  Men managed one top 10 position after all the 5 races, otherwise the ladies mopped up all the accolades!

There was, however, a lot of smiles and cake.  Those who did do it for the first time didn’t always get scared off!

Summary 2020/2021
Not held due to Covid-19 pandemic

Summary 2019/2020
With last race cancellation due to the pandemic, those who had managed to run the 4 races up to that point were able to score in the individual positions. We had Laura Hicks achieve a 4th in Senior Women, Karen Wilkins 1st place in W45, Andrew Cripps 5th in the MV50 and Brian Yates 1st in the MV70. Our best team score of 4th overall was again with the women – who seem to be leading the way in terms of overall individual and team performances.

Summary 2018/19
No snow this year and limited wetness was good for many and we had a new course to do in Stevenage which was done on a perfectly sunny day. We had a good range of people attending – typically over 30 of use and of course, whilst the ladies typically numbered less than the men, they did do a lot better overall – narrowly missing out on a Vets 1 st place trophy. we did have our 1 st ever overall win with Tom Kearns coming in 17 seconds ahead of his nearest rival and nearly 3 mins ahead of Arrow’s next best! Individual call-outs for individual positions in their categories go to Laura Hicks as 3 rd , Emma Hobbs 5 th , Karen Wilkins 3 rd , Janice Nesbit at 4 th whilst Steve Bowran came in 1 st and David Russel in at 4 th MV50, with Andy Cripps missing out achieving a 6 th place.

Summary 2017/2018
Weather this year treated us reasonably well and the “older” ladies did very well this year by over achieving versus their performance last year with a 1st place team medal in the v35+. The men, however, were quite a long way down the field (literally) and were lacking some of the normal faster people firing on all cylinders! Individual call-outs for individual positions in their categories to Camilla Hermsen (1st) & Karen Wilkins (5th), Laura Hicks (5th) and Graham Harper (5th) with other honorary mentions for Steve Bowran, Andrew Cripps, Brian Yates plus Anita White and Janice Nisbet just missing out on podium spots.

Summary 2016/2017
Ladies were let down a little by attendance in this past year and whilst all the attending runners did well in their own right, the 1000 points added for each space in the team really didn’t help. The cry for help went out and there was improvement in the end – so thanks to everyone who did turn out. Individual call-outs for individual positions in their categories to Laura Hicks (2nd), Riana (5th), Claire Price and Janice. For the men, Paul G was able to score well in the Snr men, despite him creeping up on a new age category, Ian Bryon (4th), David Russell was run-away winner in MV50 with Adrian James in 4th, Graham notable 6th and Brian Yates 5th. Not everyone would have received a trophy despite perhaps meriting one!

Summary 2015/2016
Another year of a few people pulling above their weight in both the ladies and men’s teams, with the ladies yielding a great result and holding onto 1st place in all team categories until being knocked down to 2nd by 3rd place finish in Royston. Some great racing with some new names and 1st passed the post and a number of individual medals for Laura Hicks (2nd SW), Hannah Turner (1st +35), Claire Price (5th +35), Adrian James (3rd MV50) and Speirsy 4th (MV40). There were also notable Top 10 positions for Helen James and Steve Bowran. Again, a lot of enthusiasm from various Arrows members have spread the labour of love in sorting out logistics and getting new people to make up the numbers. It is very much appreciated.

Summary 2014/2015
An awesome effort by the ladies who managed to have just enough people for each of the races to make sure that they never lost their 1st place over the whole season for each of the 3 teams – A, B and Veterans. The men keep their track record of keeping in the top 3 teams – doing well against some very competitive from Trent Park and Royston.

It has certainly been very rewarding to see newbies to Arrows joining in and more people corralling the troops, organising teams and supporting! The active involvement of more Arrows in organising these events is very much appreciated by the committee and the Captains!

Summary 2013/2014
The season got better and better with improvements from us through improving attendance at every event. With everything to play for, it was unfortunate that some issues on deviations from the official race course at the last event by a few misdirected people, meant that the efforts of the many were voided. It was an unfortunate set of circumstances, however, this meant that many who needed that 4th and final event were denied getting that likely podium spot (winning their category such as Sarah Chilvers and Georgie Hamilton) as only the 1st 4 races counted (and 4 still needed to be done.) The rules have changed for future years and it was unfortunate, however, everyone had a great race with some Arrows still securing a medal such as Hannah Turner, Jennifer Finlay, Ammon Piepgrass, Speirsy, Steve Bowran and Andy Jordan.

Summary 2012/13:
The ladies have been doing really well with great finishes in all the A, B and Vets teams and the men winning the B Team category. 4 of the individual categories had Arrows members in podium positions for Hannah Turner, Jennifer Finlay, Georgie Hamilton and Speirsy. (There were potentially many more individual winners and near misses from the podium due to absence or missing 1 of the 4 events that you have to do to score in the individual rankings.)

Summary 2011/12:
Senior ladies: Camilla was 1st across the 5 races in the Senior ladies, with Sarah Dumbrill just out of the medals in 6th and Hannah in 10th with only 3 races!!!! Lady vets: Jen Finlay and Louise could have been up in the Top 5-10 in their categories, but were unable to do the full 4 races in their categories. Georgie was 2nd in her category!

Senior men: John Millen and Richard Johnstone were the only Senior men to score on 3 races - so well done to them! Vet men: Richard Bruce was unable to complete a 5th and improve his 6th position whilst Speirsy got 3rd. Viddy got 3rd in his cateogory with a close battle between Graham and Simon Kitchener lower down the field. Norman and Brian managed 11th and 15th respectively in the MV60 - with only doing 3 of the 5 races required!